Missing 35 cm…

After a couple of days of cleaning, sorting, recycling, discarding and moving materials, the ground floor was cleared, swept and ready for wall marking.

Before the cleaning was done…

With the help of a laser, measuring tapes and a ‘cordex’ (thin cord with blue marking powder), we traced the footprint of the peripheral walls and inside walls on the concrete slab.

Laser level

As we progressed with the marking, we started to see what the various rooms and overall living space might look like once finished.

This is where the downstairs toilet and bathroom will be located (Toilet at the front and bathroom behind, bedroom is at the back on the left)

Sadly, we also discovered that the house was 35cm less deep than on the plans…

After checking again and again, there was no doubt, the maçons made a mistake when measuring the house’s footing. The North façade which is supposed to be at a 33 degree angle from the North West façade was placed at a shorter angle thus reducing the overall depth of the house…

Unfortunately, there is not much we can do at this point… Other than visiting the local tax office and requesting a property tax adjustment given the new reduced square footage of the house.