The Last Slate… Almost

Another important milestone was reached today with the installation of the last slates and ridge stones of the roof.

The slate work started at the end of September with amazing weather. The contractor made really good progress for the first three to four weeks before hitting a standstill because of really bad weather. When the temperatures hover between 2 and 5°C and the Northerly wind blows, it is almost impossible to stay and work on the roof. Luckily, the rain and the wind eased off about 7 days ago providing enough of a window for the slate workers to finish up the roof.

Let’s hope for a few more days of nice weather so the macons can finish filling in the gaps between the slates and the top of the walls. The gutters and the covering of the second chimney with zinc sheets will also be done within the next few days, weather permitting.

As for the roof of the garage which will also be covered with slates, it will have to wait until next Spring. Since it is a much smaller area, it should not take more than two weeks to complete.