Almost ready to host

Here are some of the latest pics of the house.

After almost 6 years in the making, we finally got to live and sleep in the house. It was short, less than a week, but it was amazing and kind of surreal. It has this incredible feel one can find in most ‘eco-houses’ i.e. houses built with natural materials and energy-efficiency in mind. The house is super quiet, bright and very comfy. Even though, we are still missing a lot of furniture and decoration, the space in itself and the views are enough to entertain one for hours simply by sitting on the window ledge looking out to the valley or mountains.

We had our first dinner party with family and neigbours and filled the 18-people dining table. It was such a joy for us and my parents (who’ve followed and supported us through this journey) to see this space finally being enjoyed and coming ‘alive’ with people, conversations, laugthers, food and drinks.

Over the next few months, we’ll finish the furnishing and decorating of the house and will start accepting bookings. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in staying in our house and exploring its surroundings.